After deciding what song we would do, we noted down our first initial ideas. This format is exactly how we wrote it. Kind of like a brainstorm of ideas for shots (in order for the song.)
We came up with a performance based video in which the locations the band are in regularly change, mixed with live footage and pre show footage. We have used many conventions of a rock music video such as the element of performance and many close ups. We also decided to use the footage of a live show because we thought it would be like a record label ordering the director to do so to show what its like at this band's shows. (One of Goodwin's features.)
So basically this is our very first draft and these 'scribblings' will later be blogged in a clearer format when these 'ideas' are complete.
00.00 Start with static, just radio on grass, then kicks in 00.11 Next shot when all kicks in to a location ie chris's with full band (Mid Shot)Assortment of close ups of members 00.21 (Verse) Close up of singing same location, changes half way in verse. Various close ups mixed with pre show footage. 0.27 pre show 0.32 New location/ close ups/pre show. 0.38 Chorus Mainly live footage (maybe from other locations too depending on how it looks, probably not) 1.11 slomo footage. Next verse, another location (new if possible) with pre show, second half of verse, new location if possible (if not possible use locations from before) 1.33 Chorus Live performance then slo mo again for slow part, close ups of everyone, Jools Holland- Clips of all locations straight cuts bla bla, individual close ups too, Solo—---- Last Chorus Live performance, end with someone turning off radio. Fade to black after shot of end of show with the credit with sound of the gig,
We believe that we have the start to a decent video and will continue to plan and mind map until everything is ready to go.
What is the name of the song you are doing? Can you add a link to it so I can listen to it.